
Macros in Venus is a very different beast compared to that in C/C++, it's not a text based replacement mechanism, rather, it is a complete interactive mechanism with the compiler. You might want to call it a plugin system for the language.

Here is a simplest form:

macro loop {
    return {
        while (true) {

You can use it as if loop is a defined language feature:

import, std.thread

main {
    var n = 0
    loop { // $body goes here
        println("Hello $n")

This will translate to

import, std.thread

main {
    var n = 0
    while (true) {
        println("Hello $n")

compiler hooks

macro mymacro {
    // hooks for lexer
    pre_lex(string body) {
        // do some pre lexing text based computations

    on_lex(Token tok) {
        // callback on each token lexed in this macro

    post_lex(TokenRange tokens) {
        // manipulate the tokens after lexing

    TokenRange override_lexer(string body) {
        // completely redefine the lexer for yourself
        // you get the code body as input, and should return a range of Tokens
        // TODO: you might want to extend new TokenTypes

    // hooks for parser
    pre_parse(ASTNode root) {
        // prepare for the parser

    on_parse(ASTNode node) {
        // callback on each node parsed in this macro

    post_parse(ASTNode root) {
        // manipulate the ast tree after parsing

    ASTNode override_parser(TokenRange tokens) {
        // completely redefine the lexer for yourself

    return {
        // return a macro replaced code block